(english only)

openITCOCKPIT 4.8.7 released


πŸš€ The release 4.8.7 of openitcockpit is a special release, that fixes some important bugs, that have been reported to us. πŸš€

openITCOCKPIT 4.8.6 released


πŸš€ The release 4.8.6 of openitcockpit is a special release, that fixes some important bugs in LDAP contact import, SCM-Module and Systemdowntime permissions.

openITCOCKPIT 4.8.5 released


πŸš€ Check out the outstanding 4.8.5 release with incredible improvements. Optimization of the Service Capacity Management module and great improvements in the openITCOCKPIT Agent. πŸš€

openITCOCKPIT v5 Public Preview - Merry Christmas 2024


Dear openITCOCKPIT enthusiasts, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a good start to 2025. πŸŽ„πŸŒ  At the end of the year we have something very special for you. Starting today you can get a first live insight into version 5 of openITCOCKPIT via our public demo system.

openITCOCKPIT 4.8.4 released


πŸš€ The release 4.8.4 of openitcockpit is a special release, that changes the authorization behavior of the grafana integration πŸš€