openITCOCKPIT 4.2.2 released


Today we have released the next version of openITCOCKPIT 4.2.2.

Most of the changes included in openITCOCKPIT 4.2.2 are quality of life improvements and minor bug fixes. We added a Copy to Clipboard button next to the check command line. With the new system setting BLUR_COMMAND_LINE_IN_BROWSER the check command line will be blurry by default. The idea behind this is to avoid leaking sensitive information on an active screen sharing sessions for example.

When creating new hosts and services, openITCOCKPIT will display a warning message if a host with the same name already exists. This check is bound to the user permissions. Host and services names don’t need to be unique.

The SNMP discovery through Checkmk will now only display new services, that are not already monitored by the system. In addition a bug was fixed so it is possible to mix SNMP monitoring and monitoring via the Checkmk agent on the same host again.

The notification when creating an acknowledgement can now get disabled. Furthermore we added the option to delete currently running acknowledgements.

The graphs used on maps (MapModule) will now display thresholds, as soon as the current measured value is close enough.

If you use Distributed Monitoring you should grab the new update while it’s hot. We resolved an issue that could crash the NSTA under certain conditions.

#### All changes are available in the [changelog](

How to Update

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

Your openITCOCKPIT Team